The Olympia Glade Homeowners Association Welcomes You!
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The Olympia Glade Homeowners Association Welcomes You!
Visit our Numerous Pages to Discover Who We Are!
How do we welcome in the start of a new year properly ?, I guess there are lots and lots of ways, most of them legal and approved even socially acceptable. We will reflect on not only the most recent year and what it has meant to us. We will also recollect years gone by . We will reflect on where we have been, who we have lost and many of the times good as well as not so good. History is important, and be it good or bad, history has many lessons for us all. Of the many great things we enjoy, is the capacity to make tomorrow even better than today, to make ourselves better, we can make our association better simply by participating when and where we can. We have room for growth and we have a desire to better serve each other, our fellow homeowners. Officers, committee chairs, as committee members. You are or can be the reason we succeed as a body dedicated to improving this community we call home. 2025 opens all the possibilities, a new year and tons of opportunities. As a optimist I will always look at the glass as half full. So much more to learn and so much more to do. Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is always in the future. Today is called the PRESENT a gift for us to embrace and make of it all we can Happy New Year EVERYONE.
The Present
New Year, New challenges, and none so difficult we cannot make a difference. While we gear up for all there is ahead of us, we are starting off with a new more inclusive name change for our association. Approved by a vote of the association members in attendance at our last General meeting, we are changing our association from Olympia Glade Homeowners association to, Olympia Glade Neighborhood Association. We are your Neighbors and we need as well as care about YOU.
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