The Olympia Glade Homeowners Association Welcomes You!
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The Olympia Glade Homeowners Association Welcomes You!
Visit our Numerous Pages to Discover Who We Are!
Just a blink and it's now February, I'll suggest that everyone hang on, as it appears this year is going to be half gone before we get used to putting 2025 instead of 2024 on our checks and correspondence.
The new month is bringing us the promise of a little more "winter weather" than we experienced in Janurary. For better or worse I personally enjoy winter, as long as we don't have to shovel our way out of snowbanks to get to and from the stores and appointments.
WE have had a few notable changes and activities since the New Year began. First is the name change for our Olympia Glade "NEIGHBORHOOD" association. WE are hoping that the name change will help our fellow homeowners in Olympia Glade, understand that we are NOT a dues collecting, "governing body" We are simply your friends and neighbors, and by virtue of the fact you reside here in Olympia Glade, you are all automatically members of this association. We function as a body, to work towards building and maintaining a community of which you can be proud, and feel supported. Next, we are acting to better understand and clarify what the recent change in our Cable, now internet, means and what alternatives we might be able to pursue and avoid being double charged by our property ownership. Letters are being sent and legal council is being sought, rest assured you all will be kept current with any and all findings and determinations. Your Neighborhood Associations is NOT a legal body , but we intend to do all we can to serve all of our neighbors. February is a short month but it will be packed with activities, please join in and let us know how we can better serve you.
BEEEEEE Informed and be a part
New Year, New challenges, and none so difficult we cannot make a difference. While we gear up for all there is ahead of us, we are starting off with a new more inclusive name change for our association. Approved by a vote of the association members in attendance at our last General meeting, we are changing our association from Olympia Glade Homeowners association to, Olympia Glade Neighborhood Association. We are your Neighbors and we need as well as care about YOU.
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